Friday, October 24, 2008


Welcome avid Air Miles collectors in Ontario!

Each week I will endeavour to report on some of the best deals available in conjunction with AIR MILES as it relates to Retail Grocery Stores. Here you will find out the best ways to grow your points! In Ontario unfortunately, air miles are much harder to accumulate then out west. In large part that is due to Safeway stores in the Western provinces that offer amazing deals frequently for bonus air miles.

That said, we have our own providers that offer some opportunities to gain air miles in bonus transactions, albeit in lesser deals.

Please be patient, some weeks will be more hectic then others so these reports may not be updated as frequently as I would like. Still check in at least once a week to ensure you don't miss out.

To start, Metro stores (formerly A&P, Barn, etc etc) are the only grocery store in Ontario offering Air Miles. For safeway deals (Air Miles stores out west) please visit

Metro ads start Friday and run til Thursday close. So be sure to check in at least once in that span to not miss on any ad.

Note that there are sometimes deals not mentioned in ad. I will endeavour to track these down as best I can, and report them to you as I find them. PLEASE feel free to email me at with any deals you find that I may miss, so we can all share in the rewards.

So again welcome aboard, check back weekly.


Mystery Grocer

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